Nature’s Work of Art

3 06 2010

“to realize that the beauty of nature is not a mirage of imagination, but reflects the joy of the infinite and thus draws us to lose ourselves into it”, Rabindranath Tagore

As we set off on today’s journey  we were immediately full of the laughter of wonder, of beauty. We moved with utmost precision as the few days of rain had left many surfaces slippery. We adapted, slowed down and found safe movements often using the hands and traveling with ‘all fours’. Strength and vunerability. Always moving to new pathways , unchartered territory , I discovered caves and outcrops I had never noticed before in this area. Bigger jumps, thick vines. I danced the canopy, full of light and life, and I danced the decaying leaves and fronds below. I stroked the smooth rock at the bottom of the creek. Intimately earth. Ate particularly sweet lily pillies. Held large seeds. We spoke. We roared. We listened. We sweated……………………………



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